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Water Scarcity Research: In-Text Citation

In-Text Citation

In Citation-Sequence (C-S) System, each citation is designated by a number enclosed in parenthesis or by a superscript.  The citations should be numbered and ordered in the Reference list following the sequences in which they first appear within the text. The first cited work in the text should be numbered 1 in the reference list and other cited works should be numbered in the references following their sequences in the text.   If you cite one work or study more than once in the text, its number should be unchanged throughout the text,  as it refers to the same citation in the reference list.

Examples: For cyanobacteria, estimating the acclimated light in a population...quenching (22) will allow rapid tracking...field studies.

It has been proposed...spleen and inducing T cells which down-regulate DTH 14.

Citation numbers (more than two) in a continuous sequence: are connected by a dash between first and last numbers. When there are two consecutive citation numbers, they are separated by a comma. Citation numbers not in a continuous sequence are separated by commas without spaces.

Examples: Several investigators have demonstrated that an intact spleen...introduced into the anterior chamber.5,7-9

They deliver an antigen-specific signal...down-regulation of DTH.12,13

The size of the dark-to-light transition ...which poises the electron transport chain (34,55,84-86,94,95,131,135).

If you cite the works or studies in-text within parentheses instead of  superscript, make sure that your in-text citation numbers appear differently from the numbers used as units or terms or symbols in your text.

 Examples:   Life expectancy for a boy born in New York City was 7 years less than the national average in 1901 (12,13); now it is longer (nearly 2 years) than the national average (15).

-……the high value (12g/L) previously reported (17) was later shown to have…..

Name and Year System


 In Name and Year (N-Y) System, each citation in text is designated by the last name(s) of the author(s) followed by the year of publication of the document.  The name and the date are enclosed within parentheses.  The citations are arranged in the "References" section by the alphabetic order of the last name of first author of the document that you are citing.                

Example:  For instance, siblings or maternal half siblings born in different breeding seasons might learn to recognize each other as a result of association with their common parent or parents (Sherman 1980). 

Name and Year Citation Examples

To accommodate  the in-text citations of multiple works published by the same author, authors with identical last names, multiple authors, corporations and organizations as authors, works with ”unidentifiable authorship” and works with multiple dates, the N-Y format needs to be modified. Following are the examples.

Documents Published by the Same Author in Different Years

Documents published by the same author in different years should be cited in chronologic order.

  •  Example:  Studies of congenic mice, however, reveal an interesting relationship between alleles and discrimination abilities (Yamazaki et al., 1976, 1980). 

Same author in the same year

To refer to more than one work by the same author published in the same year, use alphabetic designators (e.g. a,b,c) with the year.

  • Example:  Considerable information has been gathered about the behavioral ecology of this social sciurid (Sherman 1977, 1980, 1981a, 1981b), allowing us to pursue both "proximate" and "ultimate" questions. 

Authors with Identical last names

If you cite the works of two authors who have identical last names and their works published in the same year, include the authors’ last name and initials both in-text references with the years  and separate them by a semicolon and a space.

  •  Example:  Previous studies (Fernandez I 2002; Fernandez J 2002) investigated the helical secondary structure of a multifunctional membrane protein. 

Citation of a work with authors

If a cited work has two authors, mention both last names, separated by "and".

  • Example:  Recombinant Adenoviruses (rAd) comprise one of the major classes of vectors being evaluated for human gene therapy (Roth and Cristiano 1997). 

If both authors have the same last name, use their initials in the in-text citation.

  • Example:  Glioblastoma response to radiation was previously studied (Smith R and Smith KA  2010). 

Three or more author citations

Documents with three or more authors are cited by the last name of first author followed by "and others" or "et al" and the publication year. Do not use a comma before et al.; always use a period after al.

  •  Example:  The growth retardation of Tao-Yuan swine has been associated with lower levels of growth hormone in the peripheral circulation (Cheng et al. 1998).  

Corporations or Organizations as author

Corporate or organizational names cited as authors should be given in an abbreviated form or acronym. Use the initial letter of each part of the name or a readily recognizable abbreviation to create a shortened form for the in-text reference. This shortened form, within square brackets, becomes the initial element in the reference.

  • Example:  Conventional tag and release data demonstrate that all size classes of Bluefin have the propensity to make trans-Atlantic crossings (NRC 1994). 

Unidentifiable author

If the author is not known or cannot be identified, do not use "anonymous". Cite the document in the text using the first or first few words of the title, followed by an ellipsis.

  • Example:  The benefits of ethanol as an alternate source of energy have already been studied (Ethanol overview………2011). 

In-text reference of multiple works by the same author

When you cite multiple works of an author whose name is a part of a sentence, place the year in parentheses in chronological order, if you follow N-Y system.

  • Example: Berridge’s studies on Dopamine (1998, 2007, 2009) showed………. 

Multiple citations at 1 point

 When two or more documents are cited together in parentheses, they should be cited in a chronologic order from earliest to latest.  Those published in the same year should be sequenced alphabetically by author’s name.

  • Example:  Studies have generally indicated a back and forth movement of fish with tidal cycles and a relatively slow movement through the transition zone (Stasko 1975;  Potter 1988;  Priede et al. 1988;  Soloman and Potter 1988). 

Works with no dates

Sometimes with older publications or manuscripts as well as some web publications, it is not date associated with the document cannot be found. For in-text references, these publications with no dates should be mentioned with the words “date unknown” within square brackets.

  • Example: The American Chemical Society was established in 1876 ( ACS [date unknown]).

Citation-Name  (C-N) System


Citation-Name (C-N) System: First, compile the list of references for your paper or document.  Place references in alphabetic order by authors’ last names and number them accordingly. These numbers are used for the in-text references in C-N system regardless of the sequence in which they appear in the text of the work. For example, if a work by Winter is first in-text reference in the your document and is#35 in your reference list, the in-text reference will also be numbered as 35. Use the same number for subsequent in-text references to the same document.

  • If you have several in-text references at the same point, place their corresponding reference list number in numeric order.
  • If the in-text reference numbers are not in continuous numeric sequence, separate them by commas.
  • If there are more than 2 in a continuous sequence connect them by a hyphen.
  • If there are only 2 consecutive numbers, separate them by a comma.

Alphabetize your authors in a reference list using C-N System



Particles such as “de”, “la”, “van”, “van de”, and “von” are treated as part of the surname.
Alphabetize according to the particle regardless of nationality.

Examples: Crayton A

                               de la Salle JK

                               Grant BM

When organizations serve as authors, eliminate “The” in the organizations’ name, “American Cancer Society” not “The American Cancer Society”. When a component of an organization is an author, order the components in descending  hierarchical order.

Examples: Stony Brook University, School of Dental Medicine, Department of General Dentistry.

If no authors are present, order items by titles. Ignore “a”, “an”, and “the” at the beginning of a title when alphabetizing.

Example: A work with a title “The American Experience” should be filed under “A”  not under” T”. 

Order the acronyms in document titles as if they were words and do not use their full names instead of the acronyms.

Example: “The CAS Registry” should be placed before “Chemical Abstracts Service” as an author.

When a title begins with a number, treat that number as a written word and order it accordingly.

Example: “10 rules for healthy habits” should be filed under “T” , as if it were “Ten rules….” 

How to sequence the authors in Reference List using C-N System


For multiple works by the same authors, order the works by their titles in the Citation-Name System.

Example: Felid TS, Arnes NC, Doyle JA, Dawson TE, Donoghue MJ. Dark and disturbed: a new image of early angiosperm ecology. Paleobiology. 2004; 30: 82-107.

Felid TS, Arnes NC, Dawson TE. The ancestral ecology of angiosperms: emerging perspectives from extant basal lineages. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 2003; 164: S129-S142.

When there are several works with the same author (alone and/or with coauthors), place the single-authored work before the works written with coauthors, regardless the titles of the works cited. In such a a grouping, place the multi-authored publication in alphabetical order by the second author’s last name, regardless of the number authors.

            Example: Felid TS. Are vessels in seed plants evolutionary innovations to similar ecological contexts?

Felid TS, Arnes NC.  Form, function, and environments of the early angiosperms.

Felid TS, Brodribb T, Jaffre T, Holbrook NM. Acclimation of leafy anatomy , photosynthetic light….

Felid TS, Zwieniecki MA, Brodribb T, Jaffre T,  Donoghue MJ, Holbrook NM. Structure and function of tracheary elements…..